All user data are encrypted and well protected. Uploaded scripts are executed in sandboxes, preventing any harm to the server and user data. Teachers and Students can only be added to the platform by Administrator.
The platform is Open Source. It was built using Open Source libraries and the whole source code is available on GitHub. You can run an instance of malepy on your own servers.
Submitted scripts are analyzed for plagiarism. Platform uses Stanford's Moss (Measure of Software Similarity) to analyze source codes and prevent cheating on the assignments.
malepy is an acronym derived from Machine Learning in Python. It was the most harmless name in the moment of its creation.
malepy was initially created for Machine Learning course in 8th semester of Undergraduate Academic Studies of Software Engineering and Information Technologies at Chair of Informatics, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. As noted above, it's open source, therefore it can be used freely, respecting the MIT license.
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